December 9, 2007 – Fuji, a four-year-old scarlet macaw (above), displays his amicable nature, while Sam (below), a twelve-year-old macaw, displays his temperamental personalityon their respective cages in New York. According to John Brennan, or “Urban Tarzan”, a 35-year-old professional animal wrangler, to whom the parrots belong, the difference in personality can be attributed to their difference in age.
October 7, 2007 – Urban Tarzan displays a East African Nile Crocodile to a mostly 8-year-old audience in New York, at the Halloween-themed birthday party of his friend Doug’s child Dougie. December 9, 2007 – An East African Nile Crocodile named Gustav, who is close to two years old, enjoys a shower in the New York home of animal wrangler John Brennan, known professionally as “Urban Tarzan.” This crocodile species is one of the largest in existence, second to only the salt-water crocodile, which can grow to be over 20ft.
October 7, 2007 – A rhino iguana, about 7 years old, from the Caribbean, bathes in the fluorescent lights of its tank as John Brennan, 35, cleans the tank of an albino cobra in the reflective background. Brennan is a professional animal wrangler, whose stage name is “Urban Tarzan” and is seen caring for his animals, all of which are rescues, at his home in New York. December 9, 2007 – “Mr. Sparkles”, a crocodile monitor, who is 18 months old, sits in his tank in the home of John Brennan in New York. The species gets its name from Papua New Guinea due to the natives who call them “crocodiles of the trees” because they live in trees and can grow up to 8ft. long (including the length of their tails). The crocodile monitor has the same dentation as the Tyrannosaurus Rex and is the largest monitor species next to the Komodo dragon.
October 7, 2007 – Urban Tarzan displays a East African Nile Crocodile to a mostly 8-year-old audience in New York, at the Halloween-themed birthday party of his friend Doug’s child Dougie. December 9, 2007 – An East African Nile Crocodile named Gustav, who is close to two years old, enjoys a shower in the New York home of animal wrangler John Brennan, known professionally as “Urban Tarzan.” This crocodile species is one of the largest in existence, second to only the salt-water crocodile, which can grow to be over 20ft.
October 7, 2007 – A rhino iguana, about 7 years old, from the Caribbean, bathes in the fluorescent lights of its tank as John Brennan, 35, cleans the tank of an albino cobra in the reflective background. Brennan is a professional animal wrangler, whose stage name is “Urban Tarzan” and is seen caring for his animals, all of which are rescues, at his home in New York. December 9, 2007 – “Mr. Sparkles”, a crocodile monitor, who is 18 months old, sits in his tank in the home of John Brennan in New York. The species gets its name from Papua New Guinea due to the natives who call them “crocodiles of the trees” because they live in trees and can grow up to 8ft. long (including the length of their tails). The crocodile monitor has the same dentation as the Tyrannosaurus Rex and is the largest monitor species next to the Komodo dragon.
December 9, 2007 – John Brennan, 35, lets his rat Merlot crawl down his arm before he feeds her a leaf of lettuce at his home in New York. Brennan, a exotic animal caretaker and professional animal wrangler, found Merlot in the produce aisle of a King Cullen supermarket as a pup. “Instead of feeding her to snakes, I kept her and raised her up.” Merlot is now one of his favorite pets.
ry, the video is amazing. i loved it.
You're an idiot
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